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man vs bull - 牛鬥士中招了

Matador Julio Aparicio Gored Through Chin During Madrid Bullfight

外國人有趕牛習俗 ?

Graphic footage: Panic at the San Fermin Festival 

Four people have been gored during the sixth bull run of Spain's San Fermin festival, causing panic in the packed streets of Pamplona city. Tensions soared when one bull charged a young man and tossed him around on the ground with its horns for almost 30 seconds as fellow runners tried to pull the beast away by its tail. The helpers eventually dragged the victim to safety by his feet.

man vs bull - 隻馬被牛電到甩腸

man vs bull - 逼牛跳牆

man vs bull series

中國無法出籃球巨星既原因 - fail x N

man vs bull - 慘被牛電爆


NBA - Knicks vs Heat - playoff 2013 - Game 4 尾段精彩

05/07/2013 - 尼克果如預期一般觸底反彈,「甜瓜」Carmelo Anthony狂砍41分,與貢獻20分、10籃板的Amare Stoudemire,第四節聯手擋下熱火反撲,以89比87險勝,躲過被橫掃的命運
這場勝利,讓尼克避免再度刷新季後賽史上最多連敗場次記錄,同時也是Baron Davis 個人自2001年4月日以來,首度在季後賽贏球,不過他卻在此戰受傷。

Russell Westbrook interviews Kevin Durant

Kobe Bryant is nervous when teaching a lady basketball

篠崎愛 - @@"

Evevry body dance now

Jason Kidd's Reaction of Relief - Priceless

Jason Kidd showed huge relief after the Raptors came roaring back and almost won the game with a 3

reporter flirting with Kobe during an interview

Fox Business reporter Alexis Glick not shy about her feelings on number 24. I don't blame her, the ladies love Kobe's "black mamba"

Fan Flirts With Reporter Live Awkward Moment

Fan flirt with reporter
Blackhawks fan tells reporter Sarah Kustok he loves her

Greg - You're so pretty and beautiful. I love you.

Sarah Kustok: "I don't even know what to say. I'm just going to say thank you. ... I don't know what to say."

Later, she joked that they were skipping the dating phase of their relationship and going right to marriage.

shameless flirtation.
Blackhawks vs. Minnesota Wild

Reporter's Sarah Kustok blush awkward moment with fan
Blackhawks fan tells CSN reporter Sarah Kustok he loves her, leaves her speechless
An interview during an NHL intermission takes a funny turn when "Greg" makes Sarah Kustok blush

NBA - player's mean Tweets